Men are not good at arguing/conflict period doing anything and everything in their power to avoid it. Having been in a few dysfunctional relationships with arguments that could have been a Pay Per View Battle Royal have taught me a lot about how men argue. It could be so much less complicated if they just realized a few simple things.
No matter what the bout is about always stay on the main subject matter. Bringing up other subjects prolongs the argument. Stay on the topic and it will be over quicker than you can get the condom out of the wrapper for the make up sex!
Word Selection:
Be careful what words you chose to describe your lady during the battle. I'm not talking about the "C" word or calling her a slut, these words merely make some of us laugh. They hold no weight. I am referring to those words that can really do the damage like selfish, motherly, nag. Those words will always stay on the front of the brain. Especially the next time you ask us to make you a sandwich!
Fight To The Finish:
Always finish the fight, never leave to try to cool off, or blow off steam for too long. This always backfires, it leaves us more time to remember and fester up other "dumb" things you have done, talk to our girlfriends about it; and that alone can always add fuel to the fire. Don;t run away from it, stick around and finish it right there!
Saying Sorry:
being able to say I'm sorry and I'm wrong is a great quality to have. But thinking it makes the arguing stop immediately is the wrong idea to have. Most women want a solution, a compromise, a common ground. Tell us what you will do to make it up, make it better. For the love of God make something up on the spot, we just like an answer!