Sunday, January 11, 2009

Random things that annoy me

When people let their kids run around or hang on the back of your booth at restaurants.
You give the "your kid is cute" smile to the parents hoping they will then grab their kid and make them sit down, but they don't.

Kids screaming on airplanes.
I am not a parent, but can't you give those things benadryl or something to knock them out for a few hours?

People who dig for exact change at the counter.
Do we really still live in a world where people even carry change?

People who use AM and PM redundantly
When people say things like “9am in the morning” and “10pm at night.” One or the other will suffice, thank you.

Twisted phone cords
After spending a few minutes untwisting them, the are twisted up again after the next call.

Girls that hate the "C" word
Most likely girls I would not surround myself with.

PeOpLe wHo TyPe LiKe tHiS
Can someone please give one logically reason teens type this way? It takes so much longer.

People who post pictures of their food on Facebook.
I will never understand why they think I want to see a pic of their plate full of sushi.

People who post pics of scenery from their vacations
This goes along with the above, they are usually the same person. If there are no people in it (ie. outfits to see), I'm not interested.

Sub zero temperatures in some isles in the grocery store
This makes me not even want to continue my shopping. It can be 95 degrees out in the dead heat of the summer and I still must bring a hoodie in with me.

Hair salons filled with stylist with the worst color or styled hair.
Why would i want to go there?

When parents use months to say their kid's age after the baby has turned 1.
"He/she is 32 and 1/2 months" ...yeah uhm ok, people don't want to calculate to figure out your kids age.


firegarden said...

haha you are killing me over here. The whole grocery store thing pisses me off. I always have to being my hoodie, too. And don't even get me started about screaming kids on planes. You've nailed it again, Maria. Great post!

Mz. Marvel said...

LOL thanks girl :)

Anonymous said...

BTW did you know I was 360 months old..

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